Yakama Nation Review, Volume 9, Number 9

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: Toppenish sues tribe on water, Tribal water code issue, Pres. Carter signs Yakima minors' bill, NCAI forms defense, Smokeshop ruling appealed
Page 2: What's Happening?, Select Indian Committee: 2 more years of life
Page 3: National Indian rodeo finals, Hovis, Gorton argue before Supreme Court, Emergency farm loans ahead, Indian ' energy seminar' Nov. 13, Cunningham-Lowry media faceoff, Boldt review in Supreme Court
Page 4: Community Wraparound, Run your own budget through computer, Wildlife biologist, Johnson, Walsey trade vows at Status Longhouse rites
Page 5: The many moods of Maggie P.
Page 6: U.S. Senate blocks BIA split, BIA turnover at top
Page 7: Irvin Santiago named to HUD post , Nevada tribe denied right to vote; lawsuit entered
Page 8: Indian political committee organized, 'A perpetual tie'
Page 9: Three in running for Four Season Princess, Nomes featured artist at November show, Leaders to visit reservation, NAIWA here in June
page 10: NCAI prepares for courts and Congress, Ebona takes NCAI's helm
Page 11: Text: Tribes initiate national water policy
Page 12: ray names Young, Vets seek queen candidates, What carter wrote to NCAI Indians....., .....What deloria said about President Carter
Page 13: Indian water book ready
Page 14: Guest Editorial: 'SWe are entering a struggle for survival'
Page 15: Survivor warns of Columbia River perils, Serve needs of people, Fight for freedom, Candidate speaks out
Page 16: White Swan countdown sends 14 to finals in Salt Lake, WSIRA's tops
Page 17: ‘Struggle for survival’, cont.
Page 18: Classified
Page 19: Classified
Page 20: Classified