Yakama Nation Review, Volume 9, Number 4

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: Omnibus Indian claims bill readied, Tonasket challenging Rep. Foley, Race in 5th District, Heritage center crew starting construction, Yakima Nation police mark centennial year
Page 2: What's Happening?, Margaret Pinkham Miss Yakima Nation for 1978, Maggie's luncheon
Page 3: New Miss Indian America to be crowned July 30, A golden line of royal beauties, Miss Indian Northwest to be named, Journalist Marie Potts passes , Ortega sent to Walla Walla
Page 4: McCabe: Administrator with tribal dimension , Palms: Economist with leading concepts
Page 5: CCR fish hearing, JOM constitution revised for groups, Council OKs CRIFC pact
Page 6: Cunningham rewrites abrogation bill, Education transfer stall fails 7-2
Page 7: 'United Effort Trust' at work, Kennedy supports growth of tribal judiciaries, powers
Page 8: Gerard. 'We've survived crises'
Page 9: Tribal colleges, retirement bills undergoing House action, Farmer Whitefoot wants 'to be my own boss', $2.2 million freed for youth summer jobs
Page 10: Ahead: 'Omnibus Indian Claims Act of 1978'
Page 11: No summer fish season,$11,605 Headstart grant OKed, Tina Scott's Indian name La-Lous, Text of Krulitz letter on drafting claims bill
Page 12: Longest Walk, AK-wanee Trail named for strong
Page 13: Dealing with home fires, Got a tidbit?, Walking On: HAYES, WHITEFOOT, WINNIER
Page 14: Gov. Ray: 'Renegotiate the treaties', About Indians to churchmen
Page 15: Dee Dee Stevens powwow queen, Press hails 'Fish War' plan, Congress hears Narragansett bill, UPI Eastern claims list, JOM prom ruffles feathers, Eskimo whalers observe limit, Crow ask flood aid, UIPA sets August confab
Page 16: Fred Williams named 'All-Around Cowboy'
Page 17: Grant-Olney garden wedding ceremony, Bounds & Sons to tops
Page 18: State parties split over treaties issue, GOP Indian plank, Demo Indian plank, 'Primary election special' coming
Page 19: Jourdain: NTCA death 'greatly exaggerated', Treaty issue
Page 20: Mount Yakima , Carnival play
Page 21-23: Classified
Page 24: Ads