Yakama Nation Review, Volume 9, Number 17

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.

Page 1: Indian Child Welfare Act hearings held, Officers wounded, suspects apprehended, Andrus testifies before subcommittee Page 2: What’s Happening: Andrus says water suits necessary, Suspects apprehended Page 3: Andrus in behalf of Indians cont., Klickitat - Yakima Rivers Fishing Seasons established, At a Glance: Chippewa’s plan distribution award, Baker appointed Director, Browning named Superintendent Page 4: Memories of Maggie P. Page 5: Ten Questions to Ask Your Child, Indian Child Welfare Act hearings Page 6: Vincent Lovett: Indian News Notes Page 7: Ads Page 8: Perspectives, Negotiation: A New World For Fraud Page 9: Out of Our Mailbags, Have you seen a judge disqualify himself for an Indian?, Translation needed, Better a little late than never, Queen extends appreciation, YNR reader in Germany Page 10: Meeting Notices, Negotiations cont. from pg. 8 Page 11: Northwest Outlook, “Nations Within a Nation” symposium, Puyallups may have casino by Summer, Negotiations to continue on Central Ute Project, Geographic depicts Warm Springs lifestyle Page 12: Sports, Vermillion wins again Page 13: Pendleton wins high school tourney, Sign up now for baseball, Wapenish-Eagles Tournament won by Eagles Page 14:Yakama Nation boys and girls Pee Wee Tournament results, Page 15: Classified Page 16: Classified Special Photos Supplement: Self Portrait of Maggie P. Special Photos Supplement: Maggie Special Photos Supplement: Celilo Wy-Am Hosts Annual Salmon Feast Special Photos Supplement: It’s Our Way of Life