Yakama Nation Review, Volume 6, Number 5

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: Yakima Tribe denounces new Columbia Troll Season, Yakimas to host dinner for Wes Uhlman, Confronting the Indian Child Welfare Problem, Leanne Miller vies for Wapato Harvest Queen title, Important Notice
Page 2: Historical Indian Days Encampment draws to a close, Tribes receive grants, Task Force reviews BIA Structure
Page 3: Grants aid public schools in Indian Education, Senate passes funds to enforce & manage Boldt fishing decision, Dr. Rick St. Germaine appointed
Page 4: SH136 introduced to Senior Citizens, sonny Spencer places 3rd in Nationals, annual AAIP meet considers Alcoholism, Notice for Hearing
Page 5: Ceramics- Creative, Incentive & Steady- Nerved Handwork, Staff Photos and text
Page 6: Encampment draws to a close cont.
Page 7: Cultural show slated for Century City, Act provides parents right to child's school records, Officers announced, ERISA booklet issued
Page 8: Gap in numbers of elderly women & men expected to widen, Baker named BIA Superintendent at Blackfeet Agency
Page 9: A good rule..., Laura Bergt named Arts & Crafts Commissioner
Page 10: Around the home, 4-H & Open Model Rocket Contest Awards announced, Exercise caution when using "use, but don't touch" substances
Page 11: Ad
Page 12: Source Directories issued, national Congress of American Indians, Film on Training of Indian Iron Workers available, AAIP film "Billy" produced