Yakama Nation Review, Volume 32, Number 7

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: Special general council; Ten of fourteen on council recalled on pay raise issue (continued on page 2); Duwamish recognition reversed by Pres. Bush (continued on page 3); Judge rejects motion to suspend quarterly reports on trust fund; Hanford safety revisited after Sept. 11 (continued on page 3); Experienced 'shovelers'; Inside.
Page 2: Tribal council seat recall wave continued (continued from page 1); Quickly; Tribal pension plan; One hundred employees offered early buyout.
Page 3: Elections next order of GC business (continued from page 2); Hanford safety precautions revisited (continued from page 1); Duwamish recognition pulled back (continued from page 1); Indian farmers' lawsuit will be heard as class; Norton told Chinook recognition has conflicts; Report: Native youth highest rate of drug use.
Page 4: Native Northwest; Washington; Bush administration reverses Duwamish recognition; New museum focuses on Northwest Indian legacy; Idaho; Vandals damage rock cairns in Nez Perce country; Idaho governor directs gray wold off endangered listing; Montana; Tribe pushes for mountain to be restored at mining site; Investigation called for in firing of Indian firefighters; IHS workers sent to N.Y.; Oregon; Foundation commits over $11 million to fight poverty.
Page 5: People in the news; Red cross member making a difference; Shanita, Hazel and Raelynn Sohappy invite family, friends to mom's wedding; Klickitat student honored for high WASL scores; Flight museum to honor vets; Vietnam wall visits Ellensburg.
Page 6: Miss Yakama nation has goal to become a flight attendant; Three tribal members are in running for Mt. Adams school board.
Page 7: Ceremonial calendar; Cordova crowned Indian days; New employee; Thirty-two new hunters and eleven new good gatherers join Yakama nation; New employees.
Page 8: Opinion & commentary; PXWI; Out of our mailbag; The people witnessed what elected officials think; They are not 'special sessions' for nothing; New events center will benefit Yakama country; Out of our mailbag; Design left by man and given to event; Brutal assaults on incarcerated Indians; Jailers thank shakers for help.
Page 9: Pentagon tragedy; Cherokee nation member, U.S. naval officer put to rest; Memorial placed at UNL near where Indian remains were burned; UW professor; Tiny mummies found in Wyoming were children; Domestic abuse ad is dropped after drawing criticism; BIA says Nipmucs fail to meet federal criteria; Walking on; Willena Maye 'Billie James'; Josephine Lucille Jones; Shawday Justine Batin; Memorial.
Page 10: Sports; Sports with Lehigh John; Move from 2A to 3A draws safety concern; YNBTA to events center; Events center to be completed by April; Museum golf tournament set; Coffee break: JB bombers league champs; Summer blast tourney champs; River warriors' tourney scheduled; Whitefoot memorial tourney slated.
Page 11: Classifieds; Employment; Bookkeeper IV; Warehouse supervisor; Detention officer; Surveillance observer I; Director; Medical officer/Family practice; Office assistant II; OAIV/Emergency medical technician; Bookkeeper III; Social worker II; Health technician; Legal notices.
Page 12: Across Native America; Northeast; Tribe keeps authority to regulate water on reservation; Indians file law suite over state-seized cigarettes; Southeast; Choctaws want state tax covered through services; East; Immunity from lawsiuits up before state supreme court; Commission passes proposal to eliminate Columbus day; BIA asks federal judge to block tribe's recognition bid; Blankenship elected chair for Eastern Cherokees; Judge orders New York to ante up $211 million more; Senate approves Rey as agriculture undersecretary; Southwest; First IAIA bachelor's degree grad to work at Tamalstslikt.