Yakama Nation Review, Volume 32, Number 11

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: South African royalty visits Yakama (continued on page 2); Tribal administrator says 'time for change' (continued on page 5); NCAI president hall: Norton is grinch that stile tribal consultation (continued on page 2); Interior secretary to meet with tribes over trust fund (continued on page 3); Two arrested over Crow tribal offce takeover; more sought (continued on page 2); Inside.
Page 2: Rharhabe, Yakama nations sign pact (continued from page 1); Contempt charges good news for tribes (continued from page 1); GAO raps report; Quickly.
Page 3: Yakama nation hires 25 new employees; casino adds 13; Highway department to close 97 at Toppenish creek for bridge work; McGlaughlin under curfew; Caregiver support group meeting; Pair arrested on crow takeover (continued from page 1); Interior officials facing contempt charges (continued from page 1); New Mexico group tours WTC; Walking on; Jessica Ann Little Light; Rose Q. Peters; John Nason Jr.; James Stephen Jack; Raefield Thomas Benson; Lucilla Marie Mireau.
Page 4: Native Northwest; Over 2,500 NCAI delegates discuss sovereignty, economic development; Tulalip claim $36 million for salmon lost to Sultan dams; Tobacco tax could lead to added tribal revenue; Corps puts dredging snake river channel; Six of nine incumbents reelected on Umatilla; Lewis says he's still president of NW college; Hoops AmeriCorps repairing old bunkhouse.
Page 5: People in the news; Local businesswoman thrives on culture; Saluskin says its time for administrative change (continued from page 1); Veterans day powwow contest winners named.
Page 6: Opinion & commentary; PXWI; No surprise that Norton and company charged; Annual general council 'matter of great importance'; Four C's and a 'T' for trust management; Partisan debate waging over reorganization of Bureau Indian affairs, trust accounts; Q & A on BIA reorganization.
Page 7: Advertisement.
Page 8: Sports; Thorpe finally gets wheaties box; Maryland schools dropping nicknames; Clovis player is much more than athlete; Notah Begay III ready for comeback; Ft. Simcoe recreation hosting league play.
Page 9: Classifieds; Employment; Accountant I; Fish biologist II; Gaming agent; Fish biologist I; Administrative assistant; Economic development director; Fish biologist II; Diabetes nurse educator; Family involvement coordinator; Family & community advocate assistant; Plan ecologist; Fish biologist I; Compliance officer; Maintenance worker; Cashier Yakamart; Legal notices.
Page 10: Across Native America; Arizona supreme court sets new water rights standards for federal lands; Montana college adding cultural learning center; Sherman Alexie featured at sundance film festival; Plummeting oil and gas prices means low royalties; Red Cliff tribal judge sentenced to 20 years; 'Peacemaking' is now a part of Navajo tribal courts; Buffalo meat may be part of congress' economic package; Gambling benefits spill from reservations to non-Indians; Navajo seek to shift funding of treatment center.