Yakama Nation Review, Volume 30, Number 13

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: Marchers seek Peliter clemency (continued on page 4); Alcatraz: 30 years after takeover (continued on page 4); Alcohol tax ordinance; For reservation liquor (continued on page 2); Dam campaign growing (continued on page 3); Bush favors states over sovereignty (continued on page 3); Clinton decision protects Hanford reach (continued on page 3); Kitzhaber rejects tribal casino at Cascase locks; other sites loom (continued on page 2); Inside.
Page 2: Tribe adopts liquor tax (continued from page 1); State hits three smokeshops; Kitzhaber rejects Cascade Locke site (continued from page 1); Issues before general council; Council seats, businesses on docket; Saluskin: Juvenile judge; After I-695 passage; Gov. Locke rules out new fees; Rules set to attend.
Page 3: Quickly; Clinton decision for Hanford reach (continued from page 1); Snake River dam breaching campaign grows (continued from page 1); Bush favors states (continued from page 1); Bush favors states (continued from page 1).
Page 4: Target: Peltier clemency (continued from page 1); Alcatraz: After 30 (continued from page 1); Civil panel will probe deaths; Accusations fly in Aquash case.
Page 5: Advertisements.
Page 6: Parker dam singers hot drum for 34th annual Veterans Day powwow; Walla Wall VA to hold vet's day ceremony; Veterans across the years; Memorial inscriptions debated; Study could link drug to guld war syndrome; Casting for movie 'windtalkers' begins.
Page 7: Ceremonial calendar; Royal account; Miss Granger recounts her memorable reign; Hoptowit wins all-American girl pageant scholarship; Jr. Miss Yakama nation urges youth to listen to elders; Free smokeless tobacco quitting materials posed.
Page 8: Opinion & Commentary; PXWI; Democrat leaders gamble with tribal sovereignty; Out of our mailbag; Federal interests proliferates terms.
Page 9: Out of our mailbag; 'UX-House' had grandma's blessing; Sweep out officials at general council?; Malatare, Adams, Strong, council material?; Walking on; Audrey Cox Riggs; Karl Jose Sheehan; Eugene A, Greene; Memorial; An elder of this last century; Human rights network to honor Salish-Kootenai's Mickey Pablo; Retired appellate judge Ursula W. Kramer ""Porcupine woman"" died.
Page 10: Sports; Colville rider finds herself in demand on racing circuit; tribal chief says Atlanta baseball team cursed by 'war chant'; Player wants Native Americans in Olympics; Instant replays.
Page 11: Native Northwest; Oregon; Oregon joins case against snake dams; First Hanford waste load delayed until March; Babbitt No surprises on steens mountain; Washington; Basket fragment at least 2,900 years old; Idaho; Law enforcement expands among Nez Perce; Tribe's hatchery uses return coho salmon; Health services- Part VI; Concerning WIC and nutrition.
Page 12: Advertisement.
Page 13: Classifieds; Employment; Criminal investigator; Dispatcher/jailer; Bookkeeper III; Bookkeeper I; Community health aide; Environmental biologist assistant.
Page 14: Across Native America; Southwest; Gover: BIA moves accounting office from N.M. to capital; Misquez wins term as Mescalero president; Shoshoni seek restoration of homeland in Utah; Northern plains’; Prohibition vote fails at fort peck reservation; Great lakes; Minnesota, Mille lacs discuss land transfer; Northeast; Connecticut high court hears Mohegan case; Southeast; Georgia man discovered Sioux shirt in Scotland; Miami circle originated around year 125 A.D.