Yakama Nation Review, Volume 28, Number 21

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Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: Tribe targets 'Senator No-Hair'; Slade Gorton public 'Indian fighter' for 30 years; Counsel named in Babbitt case; Casino wheels begin practice spins; Top management posts all filled; Contract OKed to stabilize riverbank; Chairman Yallup stricken during trip; Belated, DOE begins to deal with Hanford leaks (continued on page 4); Marsh orders hatchery steelhead back to Imnaha; Inside.
Page 2: Indian fighter, legal weapons (continued ob page 3); Gorton at a glance; White: Gorton bill 'disguised termination'; General council resolution; Quickly.
Page 3: Text: American Indian equal justice act; Indian fighter, legal weapons (continued from page 2).
Page 4: DOE begins to deal with Hanford leaks (continued from page 1); Marsh orders steelhead back (continued from page 1); Salmon corps outreach session; Radiation monitor at Santa Clara pueblo.
Page 5: Native Northwest; Washington; Non-Indian doubts power of Colville court; Off-reservation games co-management draws fire; Court approves hiring of new executive director; Hanford cleanup funds move; Army trail remains open; Oregon; CRITFC stresses role in salmon restoration; Idaho; Defendants get separate trials in Bludgeon death; New faces on payroll; Spencer, Bynum tackle pollution; Haskell offers three new degrees.
Page 6: Management posts all filled (continued on page 1); NIGA blasts senate provision.
Page 7: New appellate procedures approved; Corps: Riverbank contract (continued from page 1); Vietnam wall visit slated; Smartlowits top golden oldies; Supt. Clark explains WIP billing; Rainer: Youth 'more open, eager'; Babbitt counsel named (continued from page 1); Order Toppenish history now.
Page 8: Opinion & Commentary; PXWI; Native nations in UN?; Of libel & slander; Out of our mailbag: 'it's time for voting by ballot'; Culture & issues; Grandmother's name gift; On way home.
Page 9: Walking on; Rod Cowapoo Sr. Efrain 'T.C.' Taylor; Peter Olney Sr. Stonesetting; Haida sculptor Reid dies; Focus of conference" child abuse prevention.
Page 10: Pequot center opens in August; Status powwow over mother's day weekend; Indian art northwest in prep mode; Memorial weekend four-day feast of tribal cultures.
Page 11: People in the news; Hicks fills new IHS deputy post; Barnhart selected four European tour; Native foods marketing ahead; Ceremonial calendar.
Page 12: Sports; Chief Leschi state B champions; Lapwai, Colville take Chief Joseph titles; Instant replays.
Page 13: Classifieds; Employment; Personal assistant; Security guard; Trainee weed control technician I; Enforcement supervisor; Audit supervisor; Medicine wheel academy Native American culture guide; Spokane public schools.
Page 14: Across Native America; Southwest; Atcitty lawyer receives completed prosecutor probe; Navajo council adopts new code of conduct; $3.9 million grant for cleanup of Navajo mines; Tigua refuse nuke waste; Pueblos oppose Onate statue; Northern plains; BIA officials on trial for misapplying funds; Southern plains; Osage enacts new right to work law; Great lakes; ADA deer excused herself from 1995 casino decision; Red lake Ojibwa angry over secession proposal; Northeast N.Y. dealer pleads guilty to selling Indian remains.