Yakama Nation Review, Volume 2, Number 18

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: History "The Linn Bill", All Indian Rodeo, The Newlyweds!!!
Page 2: Fifth Annual weaseltail club memorial day wardance, "Those Old Indian Wedding Bells", Yakima Valley College Registration Dates, Old Pictures Wanted!!
Page 3: "The Arts" Caroline Strong Wins Second at the Fifth Annual Granger Art Show, Art class to be offer in June, The Fourteenth Annual Indian Festival of Arts La Grande, Oregon June 14-16, 1973, Art Show Biggest Yet!
Page 4: In Love With Life -- or How It Would Be if I Were Killed in an Auto Automobile Accident, Convalescent Centers
Page 5: Indian Education, Indian Police applicants Needed, 1973 Marginal water supply for the Yakima Valley
Page 6: Tygh Valley Rodeo, They are Blooming, Remember When???, Memorandum, Civil Rights for Indians
Page 7: "Glimpses into the Past"
Page 8: Prenatal Care, Fragile Kids in Shells Are Given Chance to Bloom
Page 9: Who Should Pay for B.I.A Damages???, Yakima County Probation Services Extends to Kittitas, Nixon, Job Vacancies
Page 10: Softball Tournament May 26 & 27- 1973, Pool Tournament, RUN "Run of the best", All Indian Rodeo June 9 & 10, 1973
Page 11: Documents, Record crop values from valley farms
Page 12:To The American People