Yakama Nation Review, Volume 11, Number 19

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The Yakama Nation Review is a bi-weekly newspaper printed by the Yakama Nation that includes articles of local importance. Articles in this issue are written by YNR staff writers, as well as external news outlets. In March 1994, the publication changed its name from Yakima Nation Review to Yakama Nation Review.
Page 1: Council of Councils held at Kah-Nee-Ta and address: Salmon & Steelhead Concerns [Cont. on Page 4]; Tribal Community Needs Assessment [Cont. on Page 13].
Page 2: What’s Happening: Tax Return Assistance; Seeking Candidates for Queen of Treaty Days All Indian Rodeo in White Swan.
Page 3: AA AAoA to host "Tribal Elder's Day" on March 13; at a glance: 6th annual NW Indian Youth Conference; Indian Leadership to convene; Babysitting classes; Decision making and exploring careers; American Heart Month; Disaster Loan filing deadline; First meeting of studies association.
Page 4: Fishery Statement Cont. [Cont. from Page 1].
Page 5: “...And Now We’re Dreaming Again”.
Page 6: Perspectives: Interim Final and Proposed Federal Rules for PL 96-272 the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980: Indian Review & Comment Needed (Continued from January 31, 1981 issue) [Cont. on Page 7].
Page 7: Indian Review & Comment Needed [Cont. from Page 6] [Cont. on Page 8].
Page 8: review [Cont. from Page 7] [Cont. on Page 9].
Page 9: review [Cont. from Page 8] [Cont. on Page 10].
Page 10: comment [Cont. from Page 9] [Cont. on Page 11].
Page 11: comment [Cont. from Page 10] [Cont. on Page 14].
Page 12: Around the Council Fire [Cont. on Page 13].
Page 13: Around the Council Fire [Cont. from Page 12]; Needs Assessment cont. [Cont. from Page 1]; Civilian Honors Rev. Melford Knight.
Page 14: needed [Cont. from Page 11] [Cont. on Page 15].
Page 15: needed [Cont. from Page 14] [Cont. on Page 16].
Page 16: review [Cont. from Page 15] [Cont. on Page 17].
Page 17: review [Cont. from Page 16] [Cont. on Page 18].
Page 18: review [Cont. from Page 17] [Cont. on Page 19].
Page 19: review [Cont. from Page 18]; Walking on: Roger E. Benson; Andy G. George; Jim Sohappy; Sidney Jay Umtuch; Marian Sconawah Selam.
Page 20: Sports: Junior Olympic Basketball Championship; Recreation Events; Tournament Talk with Lehigh John.
Page 21: Y.N.A.I.I.B.T.A. Queen Candidates.
Page 22: Vincent Lovett Indian News Notes: Passamaquoddy members request per capita distribution of income from fund; Veeder tells tribes meaning of water rights ruling; Native film may be put into foreign category; BIA goes on automatic pilot after inauguration; Bureau's disliked Martinez policy negated by Jan. 16 memo; BIA announces appointments; Interior, Defense, Agriculture, and Tennessee Valley authority issue proposed regulations to implement the Archaeological Resources Protection Act.
Page 23: Classified: Legal Notices; Jobs; For Sale.
Page 24: Classified (Cont.): Services; Ads.